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78 posts
Governance Deep-Dive: Proposal #16
Persistence governance is seeing growing interest from the ecosystem stakeholders, and we are witnessing collaborative efforts to bring…
Community Newsletter #27 — December 2022
Throughout the month of December, the Persistence team placed a heavy focus and emphasis on building. With Dexter…
Community Newsletter #26 — November 2022
Amidst recent market news and events over the last few weeks, the Persistence team has kept heads down…
Introducing Persistence Foundation and Persistence Labs
The Persistence foundation and Persistence labs are the first stepping stones towards achieving long-term growth and vision for the Persistence ecosystem. The two will act in tandem to collectively drive innovation while driving utility for XPRT.
Community Newsletter #25 — October 2022
As we crawl deeper into Q4 2022, things continue to get exciting for Persistence and our ecosystem. October…
Community Newsletter #24 — September 2022
Learn more about the key highlights from September across the Persistence ecosystem, with many exciting updates across the board.
Persistence x Axelar Partner to Implement Cross-chain Messaging
Dive deeper into our partnership and collaboration with the team at Axelar as we look to revolutionize both ecosystems.
Community Newsletter #23 — August 2022
An overview of what Persistence and pSTAKE brought to the table during the month of August.
Community Newsletter #22 — July 2022
Your monthly digest for July on everything surrounding the Persistence and pSTAKE ecosystems.
Coin-type Migration from 750 to 118 for Persistence Core-1 Chain ($XPRT)
Disclaimer: Currently both 118 & 750 coin-type addresses are supported by the Persistence Core-1 chain and will work…