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78 posts
Persistence One to bring Restaking to Cosmos
TL;DR Persistence One is bringing Restaking to Cosmos. Users will be able to deposit Liquid Staked Tokens (of…
Persistence January 2024 Update
Review all the happenings in the month of January, 2024 from Persistence Ecosystem, pSTAKE, and Dexter in this monthly recap from a traction, expansion, and security POV.
How to cancel XPRT unstaking on pWallet and Keplr?
Learn how to cancel XPRT unstaking on pWallet or Keplr Wallet at any time during the 21-day unbonding period.
How to transfer staked XPRT from pWallet to Keplr Wallet instantly?
Learn how to transfer staked XPRT from pWallet to a new Keplr wallet instantly without any 21-day unbonding.
2023: A leap in the adoption of Persistence
An overview of the year 2023, filled with notable achievements, strategic partnerships, and significant LSTfi developments. Catch a glimpse of the exciting prospects awaiting us in 2024.
Persistence – cosmos app chain for Liquid Staking DeFi (LSTfi)
Learn about everything Persistence - the evolution, ever-growing LSTfi ecosystem, on-chain traction, dApps -pSTAKE and Dexter, network economics, XPRT utility, vision, and more, all through this one-stop blog.
Decentralising Dexter with XPRT governance
An overview of how decentralising Dexter using XPRT governance starts a new flywheel effect within the Persistence Ecosystem.
XPRT Coin-type Migration update for staked XPRT
An update on the 750 to 118 XPRT coin-type migration of staked XPRT without the 21-day unbonding using the Liquid Staking Module.
Persistence October 2023 Update
Throughout October 2023, Persistence steadily navigated its ecosystem, keeping a consistent flow in dApps and crucial chain stats.…
Stablecoins: USDC and USDT on Persistence
An overview of the importance and benefits of Stablecoins on Persistence and user guide to bringing Cosmos native USDC and USDT liquidity on Dexter.