Persistence August 2024 Update

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August was pivotal for Persistence One as we continue to push forward to deliver an interoperability venue for BTCfi, helping to move Bitcoin and all of its variants around.

From releasing our new logo to breaking down the BTCfi world through education, here are all of the highlights from the month of August:

Persistence One Highlights

  1. We kicked off the month by releasing an in-depth article about traditional bridges vs. intent-based swaps, which is a great read if you missed it. 
  2. New incentives for XPRT and stkXPRT rewards across multiple DEX pools for incentives were passed.
  3. We released some on-chain stats for the month of July, showing on-chain growth as we started a Bitcoin-aligned journey.
  4. We continued our “What’s Up Bitcoin” series to keep followers up-to-date with the highlights of the Bitcoin ecosystem. We released another edition close to the end of the month.
  5. Persistence released another in-depth article about the major problems in BTCfi and how our interoperability solution can solve them.
  6. Our COO, Jeroen Develter, released a breakdown of how Persistence One is pushing the boundaries of the BTCfi ecosystem.
  7. XPRT went live on Velodrome on the Optimism network with a XPRT/USDC Concentrated Liquidity Pool.
  8. Persistence One revealed its new logo after community voting and participation.
  9. We released an article to explain why we are building for Bitcoin.
  10. Persistence One also highlighted its XPRT opportunities across a variety of liquidity pools. The opportunities were highlighted multiple times throughout the month.
  11. With BTCfi rising rapidly, we released a detailed breakdown of the growth of BTCfi in 2024.
  12. Persistence One also upgraded its website to introduce two new languages for the Chinese and Korean communities.
  13. We released a detailed breakdown of why building for Bitcoin DeFi is more relevant now than ever before.
  14. With Persistence One developing BTC interoperability through intent-based swaps, we analyzed liquidity pools vs intent-based swaps to determine which is best for BTCfi.


  1. Our COO made a monumental appearance on FintechTV, speaking on the Market Movers program
  2. The team is currently attending Korea Blockchain Week in Seoul. 
  3. Jeroen appeared on “The Crypto Conversation” to talk about Bitcoin cross-chain swaps.
  4. Finally, Jeroen made an appearance on the BlockHash podcast Episode 410 to discuss bringing DeFi to Bitcoin.

XPRT Governance Highlights

Here are some of the most prominent highlights of XPRT governance.

  1. A proposal was passed to incentivize Persistence DEX pools with stkXPRT for September 2024.
  2. A proposal was passed to allocate 1M XPRT to incentivize XPRT liquidity across several DEXs, including Persistence DEX, Osmosis, Velodrome, Aerodrome, and others. 

About Persistence One

Persistence One is building a Bitcoin interoperability solution to enable cross-chain BTC swaps across Bitcoin Layer 2s.

The rapid rollout of Bitcoin L2s and side chains has led to fragmentation, hurting BTCfi scalability. Using the power of intents, Persistence One will enable users to move assets across Bitcoin Layer 2s more efficiently than traditional bridging, offering fast, secure, zero-slippage cross-chain swaps.

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